Celebrity 2023-05-01T19:50:37Z

Former 'Grey's Anatomy' star Isaiah Washington said he grew up with members of the KKK: 'I showed them love and respect'

In a Facebook post, Washington said that some of his "best elementary school teachers" were members of the KKK.
世界杯2022赛程时间表 2023-03-04T15:57:18Z

Isaiah Washington launches a GoFundMe for a million-dollar movie project after tweeting that he's retiring from acting

"The haters, provocateurs and the Useful Idiots have won," Isaiah Washington wrote in his initial retirement announcement on Tuesday.
世界杯2022赛程时间表 2021-10-29T16:59:41Z

'Grey's Anatomy' star Isaiah Washington said Ellen Pompeo was secretly paid $5 million 'to not tell the world how toxic and nasty Patrick Dempsey really was'

Washington said "Grey's Anatomy" star Ellen Pompeo was paid "$5 million dollars under the table" to keep quiet about Patrick Dempsey.
世界杯2022赛程时间表 2021-10-07T16:19:15Z

T.R. Knight's family didn't know he was gay until after Isaiah Washington called him a homophobic slur on the 'Grey's Anatomy' set, a former writer says in a new book

"We all felt horrible for T.R. because he had not come out to his family at that point," a former "Grey's Anatomy" writer said.
世界杯2022赛程时间表 2021-09-28T22:05:44Z

Isaiah Washington said Ellen Pompeo felt 'uncomfortable' with the idea of him playing her love interest, according to new book

Isaiah Washington said he auditioned for the role of McDreamy, but heard a "rumor" that Pompeo was "uncomfortable" with him playing the role.
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