A mailman has been dressing up in hilarious costumes each day to bring laughter to everyone quarantining on his route

Jon Matson dressed as knight on his delivery route.
Jon Matson dressed as a knight on his delivery route.
Jon Matson
  • Jon Matson is a father of two from Boldon, England, and has been a mailman for the past four and a half years.
  • Whenthe coronavirusforced everyone to isolate at home, Matson noticed his neighbors' fear and anxiety and decided he had to do something.
  • He came up with the idea to dress up in hilarious costumes each day for work, bringing people laughter and joy from their windows.
  • Matson has gotten a great response from people of all ages, who love seeing him as Cleopatra, a cheerleader, or a knight while he completes his daily deliveries.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Jon Matson has been a mailman in Boldon,England, for the past four and a half years, and he loves his job for all the time he gets to spend outside interacting with his neighbors.

Yet, whenthe coronavirushit, things started to change for Matson and his community. He could sense the fear his customers were experiencinglocked down in their homes. "When the lockdown started and the coronavirus started taking a real hold, people were starting to get a bit frightened," he told Insider.

He decided that he had to find a way to help his community, so he came up with the idea of dressing up in costumes on his route each day — he already had a bunch from a yearly charity event he participates in.

应对日常服装已经好了。Families gather at their windows each day to see what costume he's wearing, and cars and trucks that pass by honk their horns in support.

Take a look at how Matson's idea has spread joy and laughs to a community that needs it more than ever.

Jon Matson has lived in Boldon, England, for 16 years and been a mailman there for the past four and a half — and he loves his job.

Jon Matson.
Jon Matson.
Jon Matson

"I love being out in the fresh air and meeting people. I'm healthy, I'm exercising, and I'm walking all day. The whole job is great," he told Insider.

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, the lives of Matson and his community were turned upside down.

Matson in costume on his route.
Matson in costume on his route.
Jon Matson

"Usually I would go into the office in the morning and help sort the mail, but I can't do that anymore because they are trying to keep the numbers down inside the building," he said.

Instead, the mail is delivered to his home and Matson has shifted to doing the sorting at home.

He decided that the best thing to do was to bring some laughter to those stuck inside all day, which he does by dressing up in hilarious costumes.

Matson in a cheerleader costume.
Matson in a cheerleader costume.
Jon Matson

"For the last two years, I have been on this particular round, so I have gotten to know all of the customers quite well. When the lockdown started and the coronavirus started taking a real hold, people were starting to get a bit frightened, " he said.

Luckily, he already had plenty of costumes from a yearly Boxing Day charity event he participates in.

Matson dressed up as Waldo.
Matson dressed up as Waldo.
Jon Matson

Each year he does theBoxing Day Dip, in which he and hundreds of others dress up and run into the sea the day after Christmas to raise money for charity,kind of like America's Polar Bear Plunge.

Matson has had an incredible response from the community, as families at home look forward to seeing what costume he's wearing each day.

Jon Matson dressed as knight on his delivery route.
Jon Matson dressed as knight on his delivery route.
Jon Matson

"Everybody is now coming to the door, waiting for me coming round, and when the first person sees me on the round, they start to message their friends, so before I even get there people are waiting at windows. Everybody is laughing and cheering, and cars and trucks who drive past honk their horns. I even had the police honking their horns at me today," he told Insider.

He's even started getting costume donations from the community.

Matson in a Cleopatra costume.
Matson in a Cleopatra costume.
Jon Matson

"There's customers on my round who are offering to donate costumes, and businesses that have closed down because of the virus, and fancy dress companies have sent me costumes as well," he said.

Matson has two children of his own, and they are loving his fun work attire. For them, it's become the new normal.

Matson dressed up for the daily rounds.
Matson dressed up for the daily rounds.
Jon Matson

"They think its brilliant, obviously their routine is on hold at the minute. They think it's normal, it doesn't seem to phase them," he said.

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